Where to Find Professional Football Teams in Hays County

Discover where to find professional football teams located in Hays County, Texas. Learn about the Hays County Cowboys, Wildcats, and Sharks.

Where to Find Professional Football Teams in Hays County

Bob Shelton Stadium is the go-to college competition venue for Hays CISD, named after the district's renowned soccer coach Bob Shelton who served for 47 years. The stadium can accommodate 8,600 people and boasts an artificial grass field, seven lanes track with jumping pits, high jump area and pole vaulting area. It also has press booths on both the house and visitors' side, with radio and television booths. When he retired, Bob Shelton was the oldest American football coach at the same school in Texas. Hays County is home to a number of professional football teams that compete in various leagues.

The most popular team is the Hays County Cowboys, who play in the National Football League (NFL). The Cowboys are one of the most successful teams in the league, having won two Super Bowls and making it to the playoffs in five of the last six seasons. The team plays its home games at Bob Shelton Stadium. The Hays County Wildcats are another professional football team based in Hays County. They play in the American Football League (AFL) and have been a competitive team since their inception in 2020.

The Wildcats have made it to the playoffs in each of their first two seasons and are looking to make a deep run this year. They play their home games at Bob Shelton Stadium. The Hays County Sharks are a semi-professional football team that plays in the Texas Football League (TFL). The Sharks have been a competitive team since their inception in 2021 and have made it to the playoffs in each of their first two seasons. They play their home games at Bob Shelton Stadium. Hays County is also home to a number of youth football teams that compete in various leagues.

These teams provide an opportunity for young players to develop their skills and gain experience playing competitive football. Many of these teams play their home games at Bob Shelton Stadium. Hays County is a great place for football fans to watch some of the best professional and semi-professional teams in the country. With Bob Shelton Stadium as its central venue, Hays County is sure to be a hotbed for football for years to come.

Melisa Capurro
Melisa Capurro

Extreme twitter scholar. Passionate zombie geek. Unapologetic food specialist. Award-winning twitter trailblazer. Professional internet advocate. Friendly food aficionado.